going green with pcr products

sustainability initiative

Circular Economy for PCR products shown with arrows forming circle: Orange Manufacturing arrow to the riight, Blue Consumption & Use Arrow clockwise, and Green Recycling & ReUse arrow closes the circle back to ManufacturingCanplex is continually testing and purchasing Post Consumer Recycled, PCR products and materials, Bio Based and Bio Degradable Resins to meet the higher expectations of today’s consumers. We are committed to joining the circular economy and doing our best to reduce waste and keep reusable, re-processable products out of the landfill.

50% post consumer grade (pcr products) of petg

Canplex is currently stocking and processing 50% Post Consumer Grade (PCR) of PETG (Provista / Skygreen / Copolyester). If you’re looking for a more sustainable solution for a crystal clear, high impact, high chemical resistance, please reach out to your sales representative for more information!

pre-consumer recycled content

If you are looking to add a certain percentage of recycled content to your products, we can typically accommodate your needs. Please reach out to your sales rep or email us at info@canplex.com for more information.